
We give because we are thankful, and we call it Thanksgiving. 

There are many things you can give to God. 

You can give God your time. One simple way is to come to the worship service on Sunday mornings, as well as other church functions such as Saturday exercise and Bible Study. If you have problem in moving, you can give your time to God at home by watching our worship video.

You can give God your energy and talent. We always need volunteers for Greeters, Cookie Masters, Liturgists and so on. There are many other ways you can participate. Please contact the church office to learn more about how you can give your energy and talent for the glory of God.

Monetary offering is one of the things you can give. Writing a cheque at Sunday worship service (offering plate is at the back of the sanctuary, and we do not go around and collect the offerings during the worship service), or you can mail your cheque to the church office. You can also give online. For your convenience here is the button to guide you to the onling giving:

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