FPC Pastors

The table below, extracted from the main 2024 "History" pdf, lists 37 pastors who have served FPC since its founding in 1840. It does include several interim or other shorter term transitional pastors, but probably does not inclue all interims.  Of the 37, 4 are known to be interim or equivalent, leaving 33 "permanent" pastors.

Of these, many, especially in the first 100 years or so, are known to be part time or to have shared pastor duties while at FPC with another church, such as at Hopewell. And the first 3 on the list have overlapping serving terms.

This page will provide additional historical information about many of these pastors.

FPC Pastors.pdf

A listing of the pastors who have served FPC over the years

1876 Rev Bishop Presbyterianism.pdf

This document, written in 1876 by the 12th pastor on the list of FPC pastors, provides nice biographical details on those 12 pastors and others who had served the church up to that time including Rev. Claiborne Young, who was very instrumental in starting many of the Presbyterian churches in Boone County.

1875 may 21 np letter from h biggs.pdf

An 1875 newspaper article about a letter from a former FPC pastor, Henry Biggs, reminiscing about his time at FPC.

1906 july 1906 milligan and other notes.pdf

A note that mentions details about Rev. Milligan in 1906.

1911 Carmichael and Van Nuys - World Debt to Presbyterians.pdf

A 1911 paper authored by FPC pastor Orton Carmichael.

1920 Carmichael sermon.pdf

A picture of and the closing paragraphs of the final sermon of Orton Carmichael.

1920 sept 2 np lumb coming new pastor.pdf

A 1920 newspaper article about Rev. Lumb coming to FPC.

1942 Rev Thomas sermon.pdf

A 1942 sermon by FPC pastor Rev. Robert Thomas

1947 NP Korteling.pdf

1947 newspaper articles on Rev. Arthur Korteling coming to FPC.

1954 np article on Korteling.pdf

A 1952 newspaper article about Rev. Korteling

1974 NP DrHoward Stone interim pastor.pdf

A 1974 newspaper article about Rev. Stone coming on as Interim Pastor.

2022 Je Lee Brochure.pdf

A brochure created in 2022 about Rev. Je Lee coming to FPC.

2024 NP on Je Lee family.pdf

A 2024 newspaper article on Rev. Je Lee and family