Other FPC Properties

Historical Records

Over its almost 185 year existence, FPC's primary place of worship has been the building at 128 East Main Street in Lebanon IN. However, there have been other properties serving various functions, over the years. These are documneted here.

In 1853, 13 years after its founding, FPC built its first church building, on East Street, on a lot where the old Baptist Church is located today. In 1872, FPC sold that building to a short-lived second Presbyterian Church in Lebanon, the First United Presbyterian Church. Three years later, that FUPC church sold the building to the Baptists and shortly after, disbanded.

In 1901, property for a manse or parsonage was obtained and for the next 50 to 60 years, it served as the residence of the FPC pastor and family. FPC sold that property in 1961 and no longer has a parsonage property.

In 1954, needing additional Sunday School and other classroom space, FPC rented an apartment building across East St and used it for supplemental classroom space, until it built the new west classroom annex in 1968.

FPC's 1853 church building, located on the current old Baptist Church lot across East St.

Page about the 1957 acquisition of the East St apartment building for classroom space.

1872 article about FPC selling its 1853 building.

1901 parsonage.pdf

1901 note about obtaining parsonage site.

The parsonage at 223 E. Main St.

1961 dec 12 np city buys parsonage site.pdf

1961 article on Lebanon buying old FPC parsonage.