Photos, more Photos

Tuesday, December 24th. Our Christmas Eve Service was wonderful in many ways. We had awesome music, and fantastic story telling by Bob Duff. Thank you all who participated in the celebration of our baby Saviour.

Sunday, December 15th. We participated in the annual Christmas festival at the Central Christian Church. Our members joined the joint choir and joint bell choir with the CCC members to sing glory to our baby Saviour.

Sunday, December 15th. Each year, our congregation participate in the Myrtle Bailey Christmas Toy Drive to lift up the Christmas spirit among the little children in our town. The collected toys were delivered to the local fire station for distribution to the children who can't afford Christmas gifts.

Sunday, December 15th. Madrigals, the Lebanon High School choir, came and sang carols during the worship service.

Advent Sundays. During the Advent Sundays, we enjoyed the skits and monologues of the major characters in the nativity story, instead of pastor Je's preaching. Jennie Woods acted as Virgin Mary, George Piper II as Joseph, Bruce & Janet McConnell played the interview with king Herod, and Lisa & Scott Hutcheson acted as the parents of John the Baptist.

Advent Sundays and Christmas Eve Service. Advent candles and Christ the King Candle were lit. First Advent Candle of Hope was lit by Amy Morrison and Debbie Goodnight, Second Advent Candle of Peace by Lee family, Third Advent Candle of Joy by Piper family, Fourth Advent Candle of Love by Hutcheson family, and the Christ the King Candle by Nunley family.

Advent Sundays. During the Advent Sundays, Amy Morrison had the Children's Story concerning the journey to the birth of Jesus. Children enjoyed it very much.

Friday, December 6st & Sunday, December 8th. The Presbyterian Preschool Ministry had very successful Christmas programmes with proud parents and grand-parents filling the sanctuary.

Sunday, December 1st. We welcomed Don Sanders and Barbara Belt into our congregation with love and blessings.

Sunday, November 24th. We had our Annual Harvest Dinner in the fellowship hall right after the worship service. The church provided turkeys, bacons, and drinks. Our wonderful members brought lovely dishes to share with one another.

Lauren Rogers Spoke

Sunday, November 24th. Lauren Rogers, the Ministry Engagement Advisor at the Office of General Assembly of PCUSA, came and spoke about "Becoming a Matthew 25 Church."

Sunday, November 10th. The Veterans of our congregation welcomed people before the worship service in the sanctuary, and we thanked them for their service.

Wednesday, November 13th. Pastor Je invited the veterans and their spouses of our congregation for the luncheon at the Flap Jack.

Saturday, November 9th. Bud Hunter, a wonderful church organist who filled our church with beautiful music for the last 22 years retired at the end of last year, finally got his well-deserved retirement celebration.

Friday, October 25th. The October Gourmet Seekers met at the Outback Steakhouse on 86th street.

Sunday, October 13th. Members gathered at the Baby Shower for the twin babies of Nunley, and showered them with gifts and blessings. The twin babies are getting stronger in their incubators.

Friday, October 4th. The September Gourmet Seekers met actually on Friday, October 4th because of the hurricane Helene on the originally scheduled September date. We met at the Traders Point Creamery. First time ever, we do not recommend this restaurant.

Sunday, August 25th. The third Quarterly Communal Luncheon was featured with KFC (Kroger Fried Chicken) and all kinds of good foods from the members.

Friday, August 23rd. The venue for the August Gourmet Seekers' Meeting was the Klooz Brewz, next block from the church.

Sunday, June 30th. We celebrated the graduates who achieved academic completion either in high school or in college.

Friday, June 28th. The Gourmet Seekers' June Venue was Luciana's Mexican Restaurant (5910 W. 86th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46278).

May & June. Here are some photos of our lovely children at PPM for the months of May and June.

Sunday, June 23rd, 2024. The First Presbyterian Church and the Central Christian Church came together and worshipped our great God in the Memorial park. The weather was helping and nice.

Wednesday, June 12th, 2024. Pastor Je treated and thanked the Korean War Veterans at Ma Ma's Korean Restaurant on Pendleton Pike.

Sunday, June 16th, 2024. The Annual Photo Contest with the theme of Flower concluded on Father's Day, June 16th. See the Contest Page for the result.

Webpage: Photo Contest Page with Result


Sunday, June 2nd, 2024. To remind and emphasise that the God of Immanuel is with us all the time no matter where we are, we had the untraditional communion elements of doughnut holes and coffee.

Relevant Sermon:


Friday, May 24th, 2024. The May Gourmet Seekers went and met at the Mayberry Cafe in Danville, IN which is themed and inspired by the old TV show of "Andy Griffith Show."

April and May, 2024. Don Sanders and Barbara Belt worked on renovating the church gardens around the church building as well as the Presby Park. With their loving and caring touch, the gardens look much better now.

Saturday, April 27th. Wonderful Presbyterians gathered and packed many baby packs which includes all kinds of hygienic items. These packs will be shipped to Malawi where so many newborns and mothers die because of unsanitary environment and lack of healthcare. One pack can save the lives of one baby and its mother.

Friday, April 26th. April Gourmet Seekers met at the Stookey's in Thorntown.

Sunday, April 21st. On PPM Sunday, we happily and joyously worshipped our loving God and Saviour together with the PPM children.

Annual Meeting & Luncheon

Sunday, April 14th. After the worship service, we had our second quarterly luncheon and the annual meeting together. The fried chickens were from Kroger. Members provided appetisers and desserts.

Sunday, March 31st. After the Easter Sunday Morning Worship Service, there was an Easter Egg Hunt for the church kids in the afternoon at the church library and at the fellowship hall.

Sunday, March 31st. On this happy Easter morning, our worship service featured with many special songs and children's story. The sanctuary was beautiful and full.

Sunday, March 31st. On the morning of the Easter Sunday, we had the Son-Rise Worship Service (in the fellowship hall due to weather). After the worship service, we had breakfast and had the Easter themed craft with doughnuts.

Friday, March 29th. During the season of Lent, we wrote down our burdens and obstables and post them on the cross. On this good Friday when Jesus died, we burt those burdens and obstacles in the garden.

Thursday, March 28th. On this Maundy Thursday when Jesus had His last supper with His disciples, we had the Maundy Thursday Dinner in American style, that is with baked potatoes and grape juice.

Sunday, March 24th. On this Palm Sunday, the sanctuary was decorated with palm branches, and also two palm trees.

Wednesday, March 6th. During the Lenten Wednesdays, the good Christians come together, eat together, and worship together. We hosted the soup & supper on March 6th.

Saturday, March 2nd. After the renewal of the church library furniture, we got 20+ old chairs which we would not use any longer. Two of them were donated to the Home Instead in Lebanon, and all others were donated to the Malawi project to be shipped to Malawi in Africa.

Saturday, February 17th. Margi McConnaha worked hard for a long time to renew the furniture in the church library. New couches were furnished first, and the new comfortable (padded back and seat) chairs completed the renewal of the church library.

Sunday, February 11th. On the Sunday before the Valentine's Day, we celebrated the love of both divine and human. Heart shaped chocolates with God's love letter were distributed to the members (and were home-delivered to the members with mobility issues). We also celebrated it with our first quarterly communal luncheon in the fellowship hall followed by the worship service.

Sunday, January 7th. On the Epiphany Sunday or the Star Sunday, the stars were distributed to the members with a guiding words on the back. Each members can be guided with that guiding words for this year of 2024 with prayers and dedication.